The number on the door to our apartment has been missing for a long time and when I wanted to paint something on this terracotta pot it was the perfect solution. I found a shape that I liked for the black and printed it on paper, cut out the inside so it was like a template, then taped it to the pot and carefully filled in the black. When it was dry I painted the 6 in white. It sits on the cupboard at the top of the stairs outside our apartment door.

When I was in China, I kept seeing plants grown in water. I think they look so cool. Anyway, turns out most indoor plants can live like this and they are very, very easy to look after. I even found out that my mum has had a vase of indoor plants that have been in water for about 3 years and are still growing strong. I nabbed some cuttings of them last time I visited and now I keep a stock of plants in a vase.
When you want to make a new plant, you can just cut a section off and plonk it in a vase or jar of water. After a few weeks it will sprout roots, but best of all, you only need to top up the water every month or so, and because there's no dirt it's not messy. I have them on every window sill in the house, and they also make great gifts.
So you know the plant in the pot at the beginning of this post. Guess what?  Hidden inside the pot is a jar of water!